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  • What is an associated case in appellate CM/ECF?

    An associated case is a case the court has identified as being related to another case because the cases involve the same parties or the same, similar, or related issues of law. An associated case will appear in the Applied Case Selection box on the File a Document screen. A document may be filed to all the associated cases listed, or the user may deselect (uncheck) cases in the list. If an associated case(s) is deselected (the case will appear in bold), the event is only filed to the lead case. If the case is selected, the document is filed to the associated case(s). The selected associated case(s) is displayed at the top of most of the document filing screens.

  • How do I sign up to receive notices from the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) via email?

    To sign up, visit the BNC's public website, at, read the information provided, download and complete the registration form, and submit it to the BNC.
